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"Cocci I" performed at the 2023 Atemporanea Festival

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

My electroacoustic work "Cocci I" was performed at the last concert of the 4th "Atemporánea" International Festival of Contemporary Music at the “Astor Piazzolla” Conservatory of Music in Buenos Aires City.

"Cocci I" for fixed media, explores issues of density, pacing and shape of sound masses through techniques of granular synthesis. A sound mass of maxi- mum density gradually dissolves to a passage of sporadic sonic events which leads to a succession of silences and low volume grains. Finally, density increases along with frequency in a process of sound sublimation. The work reflects an attempt to challenge the boun- daries between sound grains and continuous sounds as well as silence and audibility levels.

Atemporánea is an international Festival curated by composer Sandra Elizabeth Gonzalez aiming to centralize the production and interpretation of current music. It's open to musicians, composers, researchers and specialists in pedagogy from all over the country and abroad. The Festival is projected to favour the creation, audition and diffusion of multiple artistic tendencies, it also promotes new productions of various musical and sound art specialities, and interact with performers, composers, educators and researchers.

I would like to thank Sandra Elizabeth Gonzalez for her amazing work in organizing the festival.

The entire program of the festival is available here.


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